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How to avoid burnout in a super competitive corporate world

What are two things which one gets as a result of working the whole month and getting short breaks in

Spider-Man: No Way Home – The Wildest Fan Theories We’ve Come Across So Far

With Spider-Man: No Way Home just 2 weeks away from release, we’ve gotten theory after theory of what this movie

Marketing, Ads & More 📢

CTAs are important
Adverts Marketing

3 Reasons Why CTAs Are Important In An Ad

Introduction A Call to Action (CTA) is the probability to encourage your target audience to take real actions in becoming an actual customer or client.

avoiding mistakes that are common

3 Common Content Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Content is a marketer’s best friend. It’s the focal point that can make or break your campaigns; it sells, attracts, engages, and can be the

LinkedIn Facts
Growth & Learning Social Media

33 LinkedIn Facts You Need To Know

If you’re in B2B marketing, or are a professional business person, you’re probably an active LinkedIn user. And being that, you have a good idea

What Clients Think
Miscellaneous Social Media

What Clients Think: A Peek Into The Minds Of

Have you ever sat in front of a client and thought about the lunch waiting for you in the break room while you keep circling

Entertainment 🎬

Bojack Horseman
Entertainment TV Shows

BoJack Horseman – The Art Behind The Dark Satire

Over the years, we’ve seen Netflix come up with brilliantly portrayed originals either in the form of tv shows, movies, or animations. And we’ve learned

creative block
Creativity Entertainment

10 Shows To Watch If You’re In A Creative Block

Have you been finding it a bit hard to access your inner creativity? We’ve all been through those days. To tackle this, there are quite

Gilmore Girls
Entertainment TV Shows

Why Gilmore Girls will always stay relevant

Have you ever had those days when you couldn’t find it in you to focus on your work or the people around you, and wanted

swinery videos
Creators Entertainment

Top 10 Swinery videos that’ll have you laughing out loud

Swinery is an anonymous Instagram account which features Animojis of multiple characters, who have taken Instagram entertainment to the next level, and which we’ve ended

Songs To Listen When Your Client Is Being Too Much
Entertainment Music

11 Songs To Listen When Your Client Is Being Too Much

Clients… they can be a handful, right? So what does one do when your clients are being especially problematic one day and you have absolutely

All You Need to Know About the New Game of Thrones Prequel
Entertainment TV Shows

All You Need to Know About the New Game of Thrones Prequel

House of the Dragon, the new Game of Thrones prequel, comes in the form of a blessing two years after the end of the iconic

Entrepreneurs & MVPs 💡

mush panjwani - mainstream
Entrepreneurs MVPs

Conversations With An Entrepreneur: Mush Panjwani

The pursuit of happiness is a weird thing. As much as you want to accept the journey and embrace it, you always find an obstacle in your way. But there’s one personality who has not only mastered the

Haseeb Tariq

Conversations With An Entrepreneur: Haseeb Tariq

Growth & Learning 👇

Canva Or Adobe Spark
Apps IT & Tech

Canva Or Adobe Spark – 3 Key Differences

Canva and Adobe Spark are the two biggest easy to use online graphic designing tools, each with their pros and cons. Knowing the differences is very important in order to decide which one would be most suited for you. Even though used for the same purposes, they do have some key differences that we will

Are you Mainstreaming yet? We hope you are, and we hope you’re hooked because we plan to delve further into content creation to bring you better, more educational information that can help you be mainstream in your field. Still confused about what’s Mainstream?

More than a marketing platform

We’re not an entertainment company, nor a marketing blog. We’re not news publishers nor a tech blog. We’re a bit of everything. We plan to be the voice of Pakistan to share not only viral stories but also underdog ones; stories that may not be popular but have created value in the content, marketing, tech, entertainment, or any domain that relates to us. We’re a content creation platform that’s a tad different from the rest: we plan to bring the non-mainstream to the mainstream. We plan to make voices heard, those voices that aren’t heard everywhere. We plan to create, inspire, and educate through our stories and news.

So that’s Mainstream

Call us a content platform, an advertising platform, a mainstream publication, or a voice for Pakistan, but you can’t deny that our content is definitely worth it. So why are you still reading this? Scroll up and read more from our various categories, or go explore Some Good News Pakistan or Mainscream for a daily dose of happy, or funny.
Oh, and remember, always be creative, and remember to be Mainstream.