4 Instagram Accounts To Follow For Your Daily Dose Of Positivity

We deal with a lot of negativity on a daily basis, and at times it can get overwhelming to a point where we lose sight of any kind of motivation. In times like those, even a bit of positive influence can go a long way in getting us out of that abyss of darkness. And the good part is that you don’t need to look too far to find the inspiration you need, because even though social media has a reputation of impacting our mental health in a bad way, it also has the power to do the complete opposite of that. Our Instagram feeds themselves can be a source of great positive influence if we make sure to follow the right kind of accounts. That is why we have compiled a list of Instagram accounts that will help inspire you in your journey towards being happier and a better version of yourself.

1. Humans Of Safe Places

As the name indicates, Humans Of Safe Places depicts a place that is free of any kind of judgment. The account aims to provide a safe space for people to easily talk about anything and everything, especially when it comes to taboo topics. With around 10k followers the account is run by a group of people who try to bust myths and fallacies surrounding sexuality, mental health, period, ageism, colorism, etc. And if you ever feel like getting something really heavy off your chest, Humans Of Safe Places could be your safe space to vent.

2. Calm Sage

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For your daily dose of inspiration, you should turn to this account. The account exists to mainly calm people and heal their lives. And how does it do that? By raising awareness regarding common mental health issues like anxiety, stress, autism, panic disorder, etc. Other than that, their feed also includes inspirational quotes that boost positivity as well as funny memes that will make you laugh your head off.

3. Humans of New York

Feeling lonely in this wretched world? Then you should definitely check out Humans of New York. What makes the account so inspirational is how it lets us intimately peek into the lives of others from the safety of our homes. The account is run by the photographer Brandon Stanton, who aims to share unique stories of the people of New York. The stories usually contain the struggles and successes of people from their everyday lives, that the common people can easily relate to and find enough inspiration to maybe overcome the obstacles in their own lives.

4. Elephant Journal

The account manages to share carefully curated motivational quotes with its audience. The feed is there to inspire and make people reflect inward, so they become capable of embarking on a journey of self-improvement and self-discovery. Moreover, the account incorporates wise words from people that left a mark on this world.

We really hope that you like this list of Instagram accounts, and if you know of any account that has been your daily dose of positivity please let us know about it in the comments section below.

Bushra Arif

A molecular geneticist who has a passion for photography. A part-time free baby sitter, whose one and only love is her niece.

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