The Dos And Don’ts Of External Linking

External links are the ones that we create on others’ websites; they’re also known as backlinks. External linking is very important from an SEO perspective, as with its help we can redirect traffic from others’ websites to ours. This improves visibility in the search results and brings us more audience.

Following are some dos and don’ts of external linking.

1) Do create backlinks on high traffic websites

Try to create backlinks on those websites that receive more traffic. This brings a larger audience to your site as well. From an SEO perspective, when you receive more page views, your website ranks higher in the search results.

2) Do outreach to bloggers

When you’re new to content creation, it’s difficult to be visible in the SERPs. This is because Google takes time in indexing new content. To overcome this, you can get your page linked to some top bloggers’ profiles. This boosts the ranking speed of your site and increases its link value. You can outreach on blogs and professional websites, this will send a huge number of organic traffic to your website resulting in a better index and crawl rate.

3) Do comment on others’ posts to create self-built links

Comment your site’s link on others’ posts to create (low-value) self-built links. These links are considered low value by Google, but it doesn’t mean that they’re useless; these links are counted as the number of links on a web page.

4) Do try to get do-follow

When you outreach on others’ websites, try to get do-follows from them. If they’ll leave your link without adding no-follow to it, this will do-follow your link. With its help, Google will consider your website as a suitable site and rank it up higher than usual.

5) Don’t create useless paid backlinks

Never pay money to any website that you think is less fruitful. Always try to invest in those websites which bring you good organic traffic. If you think ‌investing in a site isn’t worthy, try to convince the editor to put your link free of cost or at a cheaper amount.

6) Don’t inject links

Link injection is a black hat SEO technique in which you inject your link to a website that you don’t own. It may look beneficial, but in the long term, it isn’t good as the website’s spam score increases resulting in a bad search ranking and poor trust score.

7) Don’t try cloaking

Never use cloaking to rank your website. Cloaking is an SEO trick in which you show some content to the search engine and show different content to your users. This is considered one of the worst techniques of link building and SEO as it deceives both the search engine and user.

These are some dos and don’ts of external linking. External linking is very important for a website’s SEO, but some techniques of link building are considered good and some bad. So always try to do it correctly, this will help your website to remain in the top results. If you’ll adopt poor techniques, Google can penalize you for it, and you’ll go back 100 pages in SERPs.

Sibtain Haider

A commerce and trading geek with a passion in writing that's existed since childhood.

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