The Importance Of Internal Linking In SEO

Internal links are those links that redirect from one page or post of a site to another of the same website. They help the users to navigate a website and establish a hierarchy of information. Also, with the help of internal linking, we can help search engines to identify the relation between the site’s content, distribute link value, and improve search engine ranking.

The links except for the home page, menu, feed, etc. that are added to the content are known as contextual links. These links are inserted according to the topic of your page or the post.

Internal Links Vs. External Links

Both internal and external links are beneficial for websites and have their significance in SEO. Below, ‌look at some major differences between internal and external links.

Internal and External links

Importance of Internal Linking

Internal linking is essential for establishing the architecture of a website. It helps in building connections between page, page authority, user experience, usability, etc. The following are some benefits that internal linking can provide us.

1) Boosts page views

As internal links redirect your traffic to your own website, this increases your page views. Content with more internal links can retain the interest of people, and they keep navigating your website.

2) Improves page rank

Internal linking helps a webpage to improve its ranking. As search engines opt for the content which is strategically created, they prefer websites with content having internal links as they’re more strategically planned according to the content present on various links on the website.

3) Improve user’s time on your website

Internal links minimize the bounce rate of your website. They increase the users’ time on your website that they spend reading the content and navigating it. Hyperlinks often convince people to open them and further go through more content.

4) Helps search engines to crawl & index

Internal links help the bots of search engines to find more content on your website easily. These bots are designed in a manner to visit websites and understand what they are all about. Internal linking helps them to ‌index the sites and rank them accordingly.

5) Lead generation

Lead generation is a significant benefit of internal linking. If you want people to visit a specific page on your site, you can link that page to the content through which they’ll land on the page you desire; that is if they click on the link.

6) Power distribution

A major benefit of internal linking is that it helps you to distribute the power of well-ranked pages to the other pages of your website that are comparatively less popular; creating equity and gradually improving the ranking potential of every page of your website.

7) Easy to find more content

When your content has internal links related to the topic, it makes it easier for the users to find more information. By doing this, the user experience of your websites becomes better as users will be able to easily find the content they need more details of through the internal links.

Internal linking is very important for SEO. It improves your website’s architecture and ranking as well. If you want people to navigate more on your site, it’s mandatory to link your content internally.

Sibtain Haider

A commerce and trading geek with a passion in writing that's existed since childhood.

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