11 Songs To Listen When Your Client Is Being Too Much
Clients… they can be a handful, right? So what does one do when your clients are being especially problematic one day and you have absolutely nowhere to run? Our solution is to plug in your headphones and listen to these 10 super amazing songs that can help you channel your anger into something
P.S. Remember, these songs will only work if you play them on full volume. Now, enjoy!
1. Phantom of the Opera
Start with the Phantom of the Opera and let the music channel your anger into figuring out the task list that the angry client has handed you over. Because the soundtrack doesn’t have any lyrics, you can easily focus while your mind shuts all the background noise out so that it’s only you, your anger, and the phantom waiting to strike. This particular version from the Umbrella Academy is a great way to start on your path to resentment.
2. Snuff – Slipknot
Once your mood is set and you’re in tune with your musical side, play Slipknot’s Snuff – a song that builds up to an amazing crescendo – taking you along on an angry ride – just the right kind of angry for your client-related woes.
3. Liar – Korn
Then move to some alt-metal with Korn raging in your ear about you’re a liar. I mean, sure, you’re not the liar in question but you can imaging playing this song as you drive away from your client’s office after avenging your pride.
4. Love the Way you Lie – Eminem ft. Rihanna
If we’re talking about liars, this Eminem and Rihanna classic deserve a mention. Listen to them angrily serenading each other and think of all the problems your client is going through and how you love the way they ignore your efforts (not). And if you’re really, really angry, listen to both parts of the song to fuel your emotions.
5. In the End – Linkin Park
Once Eminem has soothed your soul, get Linkin Park playing their all-time classic and realize how minuscule your problems are in this world and that no matter what your client says, it’s just another day and in the end, it doesn’t even matter because there are just 2 hours till you can go home.
6. Carnival of Rust – Poets of the Fall
Once Linkin Park has got your existentialism going, let Poets of the Fall sing about how life is just a carnival of rust and that there’s no true meaning left in anything.
7. Numb – Linkin Park
Don’t stop just yet, your tasks are still pending. Now that you know life is meaningless and there’s nothing but despair, listen to Chester Bennington (may he rest in peace) sing how he’s become so numb he can’t feel you here and imagine you singing the song to your client. Feels better? There’s more to come.
8. Titanium – David Guetta ft. Sia
What’s the next step after you go numb from the pain of your client’s betrayal? Building yourself up again, and nothing will help you better than Sia and David Guetta’s Titanium. Let her sing to you how you’re bulletproof and have got nothing to lose, and one lousy day is nothing compared to all the amazing days when you’ve achieved tons of appreciation from your client.
9. We will rock you – Queen
Keep that confidence high! Just because you’re on a path to upbeat music doesn’t mean you cannot be angry anymore. Let Queen rouse you through its evergreen track as you imagine telling your client that you will rock them with your hard work and dedication.
10. Don’t stop me now – Queen
You’re on a roll! Keep that high and listen to Queen because you’re having such a good time, you’re having a ball. Your anger is old news, the new and improved you have the wheel now and you’ll turn the world inside out.
11. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
And last, but never the least, get in Survivor mode and get back on your feet because you’re just a man (or a woman) with the will to survive. Keep that eye of the tiger intact and let go of your anger because honestly, in a competition between them and you, you’re obviously the sole winner!
Feel better? Great. Save these songs as a playlist because clients will be clients, but you can always use songs to help you be less angry, right?