Google AdWords Jargon For Beginners

Understanding Google AdWords can be quite an intimidating process. You always run the fear of making a tiny mistake and getting all your ad budget wasted. Worry not! We’re here to make your task easier for you to accomplish.

This is your ultimate Google AdWords jargon for beginners to understand the important terms and figure out the maze of complicated terminology to make your ads relevant.


Your campaign is the first thing you set-up, made-up of ad-groups, and has the budget, ad-type, and other settings the same as your different ad-sets. This helps you organize your paid ads, and you can run multiple ads through a single campaign.

Campaign Type

Your campaign type is where you want your ads to show up. You have different options:

  • Display Network Only: your ad shows up in a group of multiple websites, videos, and apps.
  • Search Network Only: your ad shows on Google search only.
  • Search Network with Display Select: your ad shows on both Google search and Google Display Network.

Ad Groups

An ad group is your set of keywords, targeting methods, and budget for a specific campaign with particular objectives and goals. Eg. if you’re creating an ad regarding education, your target would include the age group you want to address, the area you want to approach, the institutes you want the attention of, etc.

Mobile Ad

These are what mobile users can see. Google offers WAP mobile ads and ads for high-end devices


Keywords are an important part of your ad that will help determine when and where your ads will appear through words or specific phrases. While choosing keywords, you need to think like your customer and make a list of words out of what they would be searching for while looking for services relevant to your brand

Quality Score

Quality score is a relevancy measurement from Google of the URL, headline, keyword, and descriptions you’re using to reach your target audience. Higher quality scores are important as they can mean better ad performance at lower costs.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions show below your ad descriptions, in blue color. They’re additional information, like addresses, websites, etc about your business.


A measure of how many times your ad is shown.

Ad Rank

It’s the value of where your ad will show up, based on your bid amount and quality score.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

This is a measure of how many times your audience has visited your page through your ad. It’s an important metric to describe the success of your campaign.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA is the action you want your audience to take. They’re action stimulating words you add in your ads like ‘buy’, ‘visit’, ‘get’, etc.

Split Testing

This is a randomized A/B and multivariate test. It’s a way of a controlled marketing experiment to improve your results, such as higher CTR or even better ad ranking, etc.


Optimization refers to making improvements in your ads to get better results.

Landing Page

The page to which you intend to drive traffic through your ad.

Daily Budget

Daily budget is the per day spend on ads. It’s calculated as a daily budget per month, so your budget may vary on a day-to-day basis.

Bid Strategy

It’s the bid type you set to pay for viewer interaction with your ads

Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

CPC means exactly as it says, i.e. you pay every time a person clicks on your ads. What’s more, is that you set Maximum CPC during the bidding process meaning it’s the most you’ll pay for a click.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

It’s the same as CPC.


A bidding method where you have to pay on the basis of how many times your ads are shown.

Billing Threshold

The billing threshold is the limit that triggers a bill that you have to pay. It starts at $50 and keeps increasing every time you reach the threshold at a specific time.

Destination URL

This is the landing page your audience gets directed to when they click your ad. You can set different destination URLs for different ads in different ad groups.

Display URL

This is the URL shown in your ad copy. You can decide whether it’s simple and clean in order to increase conversions.


The header of your ad copy; shows in blue when your ad is live.

Top Ad*

Shows above the organic search result in a shaded box.

Side Ad*

Shows on the right-hand side of a search engine page.

*Your ad is likely to be shown as both top ad and side ad so make sure you’re making copies relevant to both.

These are the basic terminologies you need to be aware of when getting started with Google AdWords. If you want more, you can check out Google AdWords Glossary.

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