6 Bidding Tips To Win Projects On Freelance Marketplaces

What is Bidding?

Bidding is the process in which different people give an offer for a specific thing or task to determine its value. In freelancing, bidding means to give your offer to your client for doing the required job. A bid comprises the cost, time of completion, and all related information including your portfolio which can help the client know that you are the best for his/her job. After you are done bidding on the project, the client reviews all the bids including yours, and then selects the best offer that fits his/her requirements.

Want to Win Projects? Following are 6 Tips for Bidding On Projects

While bidding on freelance marketplaces, freelancers make many mistakes and lose the opportunity to win the project. Following the tips below will help you win the projects and grab the client’s attention to your bid.

1) Creating Personalized Greetings:

Create a personalized greeting while writing your bid to the client’s project, as a personalized response to meet the client’s requirements grabs attention, and gives a feeling that you aren’t using a copy-pasted content. Use the client’s name in it and don’t be so formal while writing your bid as it creates a human connection. Make your bid interesting, if your response is boring to read, the client will not keep reading it and will go to the next bid.

2) Briefing The Client’s Project:

A brief of a project is written after reading and summarizing the entire project. When you are bidding on the client’s project, add a brief description of the project telling what you can do for him/her. It shows that you have read the project’s description properly, and the project keeps importance to you. The brief of the project can include the key points extracted from the project, showing the tasks to be done step by step.

3) Telling About Yourself and Your Abilities:

For building a good impression on the client, it’s necessary to tell about yourself and your skills. Telling your abilities can help the client figure out what you can do for him/her. Never praise yourself while telling about your skills even if you’re master of it, be normal, and tell it properly while bidding on someone’s project. You can also add your education to this introduction for the satisfaction of your client, it makes your client comfortable to award you the project.

4) Adding Your Work Portfolio:

A portfolio is a thing that helps you to win the client’s project. It’s the most important part of the bidding, by adding a portfolio to your bid you can grab the client’s attraction to your response. If you want to satisfy your client, you must have to show your previous work to inspire him/her. When your client is satisfied with your work, there’s no chance that he/she wouldn’t award you the project. In your bid, you can add a link to your website where all your portfolio is uploaded.

5) Providing Free Mock-up:

The Best way to influence the client to award you the project is to provide a free mock-up to your client. When you offer a free sample of your work to anyone in need, there’s no way he/she wouldn’t get inspired by your service. When you achieve the trust of your client, you have done your work there. Trust-building is the primary purpose of providing a free sample of your work, when your client trusts you, he/she will never award any project to anyone else except you.

6) Asking Questions to Open PMB:

PMB (Private Message Board) is the chatbox on a freelance marketplace which can only be opened from the side of the client, you can’t send a message to your client directly after bidding on the project. Ask a question in your bid related to the client’s project, so the client may open the PMB to answer you. Once the PMB is opened, you can send messages to your client directly and influence him/her to award you the project.

In Conclusion…

If you are a freelancer and not getting any response to your bids, follow some techniques to win the projects on freelance marketplaces. You can get awarded a project by writing your bid in an effective pattern and include the following things in it:

  • Creating Personalized Greetings
  • Briefing The Client’s Project
  • Telling About Yourself and Your Abilities
  • Adding Your Work Portfolio
  • Providing Free Mock-up
  • Asking Questions to Open PMB

Sibtain Haider

A commerce and trading geek with a passion in writing that's existed since childhood.

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