Disassociate From Your Job For Your Mental Health
Mental health is important. In fact, it’s the most important part of your life and you should never ignore it because it can easily affect your health, work, and personal life.
But in the digital age where everyone is connected all the time, it’s not easy to keep your work and personal life separate. In fact, because you’re always connected to apps like Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube, it’s not easy to let go of your job as you’ll always keep getting notifications from your Facebook page or your client’s WhatsApp group, leading you to stay in a work-work-work mindset all day.
But this isn’t good.
As per my experience, this constant connectivity is never beneficial and can fry your brain to the point of a perpetual creative rut that you will never be able to escape. Dark? It’s the truth.
So the point is, you cannot keep working all the time, nor can you stay connected to your clients 24/7 because let’s be honest – a lot of clients don’t understand the concept of personal space while communicating, and can be ruthless over getting results no matter what time of the day it is. I mean, sure, “not all clients”, but that fact that most of them are the same is testament to the fact that YOU NEED A BREAK!!!
No matter how much you love your job, you have to disassociate, but it can’t be easy. So here are a few tips that can help you hit refresh on your brain to make sure that you don’t burn out.
Keep boundaries
Boundaries are important in life and don’t tell me you don’t believe that. I’m sure everyone understands how important it is to stay away from a toxic ex. The same rule applies to toxic clients or teammates too. If your boss is toxic, make sure you have boundaries set to keep their incessant work demands at bay. If your client doesn’t listen, make sure that your JD mentions that work can be done during work hours only. You cannot go home after a tiring day at work just to reboot your laptop and get to work again. Read up regarding the hemorrhoids causes and safeguard your healthy in prior.
Don’t make your work your life
Deadlines are important, goals are too, but you cannot make them your life. I recently read somewhere that in order to achieve your goal, you have to think about the said goal and nothing else. That’s wrong. Maybe the context of the article was different, but you cannot streamline your life to achieve one particular goal. What happens when you achieve it? You’ll find yourself looking forward to a void that has gathered around you while you were so focused on your aim. That’s why it isn’t advised to live life goal to goal – you have to have your personal space and relationships to keep you sane.
Take short breaks
Have you been sitting in front of your laptop all day? Get up and take a walk – your body will thank you. No, it’s not about weight or health, but a general break your hands, mind and legs need after sitting still for so long. Make sure that you take at least 5-minute breaks every hour to keep your body active because the longer you keep sitting in the same position, the harder it will be for your body to adapt to activity.
If only I could bring back all the lunch hours I spent working tirelessly. I know that there are days when you just can’t take time out, and that’s okay, but try not to make it a norm. Lunchtimes are a good way to take a break away from your hectic schedule and replenish your brain and body with food. Just make sure that whatever you’re eating helps boost your brain rather than makes you sleepy because that sure won’t help in completing your tasks for the day.
Keep work and fun separate
Got the same WhatsApp number for work and home? Bad idea. I had WhatsApp anxiety for so long I stopped texting and still cannot bring myself to carry on a long conversation over messages. This is not a good thing, and you should make sure that you avoid becoming this person. Don’t overwork yourself to the point of no return, it’s ugly and sad. Stay dedicated to your work while also taking time out to meet and talk to friends or family just so you can stay away from work stress for a few hours.
Get a Netflix subscription
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, whatever works for you. Buy a subscription or borrow it from your friends but make sure you have entertainment options that can elevate your mind and keep you distracted when work becomes too much. TV shows and movies can help you delve into different stories and scenarios, boosting creativity in your mind. You can also take a look at some of the shows we shortlisted that can help you during your creative block. Or you can take a look at the songs we’ve selected to get rid of office noise. Just make sure that you have a creative outlet to keep you distracted when your work’s driving you crazy.
Got more tips for workaholics out there? Comment them under this blog and tell us how you choose to disassociate from work when you’re overwhelmed by it.