Fraud Hai Guys – An Everyday Daraz Story

“Fraud hai guys. Daraz full fraud hai”, said Ali Taimoor as he unboxed his LV Drone “package” along with his siblings. The sheer heartbreak you feel in those two minutes hits harder than the one you felt when you found out that your tenth-grade crush would never be your soul mate.

The video in its entirety showcased all the emotions every person feels whenever their online order goes wrong:

  • First: excitement over receiving your parcel and the anticipation of opening it.

  • Second: the whole unboxing phase in which, by the way, a lot of paper and plastic goes to waste. Disappointing both humans and nature, are we?

  • Third: the moment you open the package to find…

  • Forth: a disappointing blow of broken dreams as you realize that Daraz has played you… yet again.

We’re all aware of the process. But watching Ali Taimoor place his hand on his heart after finding a box full of “kachra” was a reality check and begs for the question: If a brand notorious for its faulty orders is our biggest eCommerce platform, what does the future hold for Pakistan’s digital evolution?

That, and what does it take for desi parents to show some compassion over their child’s heartbreak?

The entire ordeal must have been hard for the kids. But because we all have hearts – even the people at Daraz – they’ll rescue their innocence in a classic consumerist fashion by sending over something that makes their day and gets the brand yet another vote of confidence. But until we, and Daraz itself, are ready to answer the harder questions about their practices, this is a cycle that’ll keep on rolling until it reaches a culmination that’ll be either good or bad, for both the parties.

You can now save yourself from such frauds & accidents by using Trax’ TryNBuy feature.

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