4 Books Every Marketer Should Read

Books are a perfect way of learning how to master the basics and fundamentals of a subject. It’s important to learn the basics to become an expert in a particular field. And when it comes to marketing, books are even more useful, because marketers need to grasp the roots and underlying theories to keep up with the new trends in context to the old concepts.159 marketers were asked how they became experts in their field and nearly 30% said they take advantage of books.

So to help you learn and develop expertise in your marketing field, here are some of the most recommended books you should read:

1. Jab jab jab, Right Hook – Gary Vaynerchuk:

The book illustrated winning the heart of consumers by mastering social media marketing skills. Gary points out how famous brands create content of low quality with little knowledge of social media channels. He urges advertisers to respect the platform and the public as people come across different channels with different mentality.

2. Youtility – Jay Baer:

Jay Baer is the owner of the Convince and Convert blog. He breaks the traditional mindset of hype marketing. The book helps prospects make better long term choices. He advises businesses to adapt to the ever-changing marketing environment by building relationships with information. The entire subject revolves around the concept of smart marketing to turn a one time customer into a long time customer.

3. The 1-page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib:

This book is best for marketers at any stage of their career. Allan sets out a clear marketing plan and underlines in an easily digestible way the importance of each chapter. He summarizes each chapter and then generates an item for each action element. He also addresses the meaning and significance of monitoring ROI in a way that everyone can read and listen to. The marketing plan will divide your marketing goals into a 9-step action plan which will allow you to prioritize and target your marketing efforts.

4. Epic content marketing – Joe Pulizzi:

Joe Pulizzi is also known as “Godfather of Content Marketing”. Joe demonstrates how to tell a specific story by using fewer ads and clutter to capture the audience’s heart. It emphasizes the important content customers are keen to consume and share. The 350+ page guide offers all the tools to build and deliver the content in a simplified way by setting goals, values, and key strategies. The author will advise companies to stop thinking about themselves. While sticking to the brand narrative for consumer engagement, he emphasizes the concept of having a true voice.

What other books do you think marketers should read? Tell us their names in the comments below…

Shari Haider

21 year old Bachelor's student, trying to enjoy and record each and every moment of life.

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