33 LinkedIn Facts You Need To Know

If you’re in B2B marketing, or are a professional business person, you’re probably an active LinkedIn user. And being that, you have a good idea of how the platform works and what strategies you need to get yourself recognized there to reach potential businesses and competitors. With the growth in businesses and employees, LinkedIn continues to grow and change its trends to fit with current needs. On that note, we’ve combined a list of 33 LinkedIn facts and figures that can be of help to you.

  1. LinkedIn now has 660+ million users on the platform.
  2. 40% users are active on the platform daily.
  3. 24% millennials use LinkedIn.
  4. LinkedIn’s objective is to reach 3 billion users.
  5. The platform is available in 200 countries around the globe.
  6. LinkedIn profiles with professional headshots get 14 times more views.
  7. Adding a profile picture makes you 33 times more likely to get messages on LinkedIn.
  8. 3 million users share content on LinkedIn on a weekly basis.
  9. The platform has a total of 3 billion endorsements.
  10. 46% of traffic on B2B sites comes through LinkedIn.
  11. 97% B2B marketers use LinkedIn as a primary content distribution channel.
  12. LinkedIn had a total of 100,000 users one year after being founded.
  13. 92% of Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn.
  14. 90 million senior level influencers and 63 million decision makers use LinkedIn.
  15. 77% of recruiters use LinkedIn to look for potential employees.
  16. Job seekers spend approximately 30 minutes per day on LinkedIn.
  17. 90% of LinkedIn members use Facebook.
  18. An ad on LinkedIn can reach about 12% of the world’s population.
  19. Sponsored InMail has an open-rate of 52%.
  20. 57% of LinkedIn users are men while 43% are women.
  21. 70% of LinkedIn users live outside of the U.S.
  22. 61 of LinkedIn users are between 25-34 years old.
  23. 57% of LinkedIn’s traffic comes through cell phones.
  24. Year over Year engagement on LinkedIn has increased by 50%.
  25. 39% users have access to LinkedIn Premium.
  26. 45% of LinkedIn users earn $75,000 per year.
  27. 27% of LinkedIn users have 500-999 connections.
  28. Microsoft paid $26.2 billion for LinkedIn in 2016.
  29. Articles without video perform better in LinkedIn than those with videos.
  30. How-to and List articles generate the most leads on the platform.
  31. 80% B2B leads come from LinkedIn compared to 13% from Twitter and 7% from Facebook.
  32. Over 30 million companies have profits on LinkedIn.
  33. For 91% marketing executives, LinkedIn is the most preferred choice to find quality content.

These are the most interesting LinkedIn facts that can help you in your task of either finding a job or giving you an idea of making your marketing strategy stronger. A primarily business focused platform, LinkedIn is where you should be to build your professional career.

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